Helping you grow a youth ministry that lasts


    Inspiring you to innovate and grow


    Encouraging you to cultivate real creativity


    Supporting you as an authentic minister


    Exploring youth work theory and philosophy



A collection of interviews, ideas, theories, notes, and resources written by youth workers, for youth workers.

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Brand new YouTube Channel looking at theory, ideas, tips, and more behind the world of youth work.


Training available every month live online, in person in North Wales, and delivered by request around the UK.

Recent posts

Young people and your conspiracy theories (part 1)

I think if you could label, in one word, the overwhelming feelings of some of the loudest adults speaking on COVID-19, that word might be ‘anger’ or even ‘rage’. Not all adults, of course, just many who make the most noise on TV, the internet, or in shopping queues. However, when a person of influence […]

When relationships are not enough

For years we’ve been using the word ‘relationships’ as the silver bullet; the key to understanding young people and unlocking the highest potential of our youth ministries. But do we really know what we mean when we say ‘relationship’? Caveat: Before I go any further, I’d want to affirm the utterly essential place and practice […]

50 stupidly wrong misconceptions that I started ministry with

When I was at Bible College, I knew everything, and I mean everything. Everyone else was stupid, inconsistent, fallacious, illogical, irrational, and erratic. I was one of the sound ones which – for some stupid, inconsistent, fallacious, illogical, irrational, and erratic reason – meant that I could speak to and about others with sarcasm, condescension, […]

Why I won’t be showing my youth group ‘The Passion of The Christ’ this Easter

This morning I accidently flicked toothpaste into my eye. It was stupidly painful and more than a little humiliating. That, however, was not the reason for the toothbrush or the toothpaste – I wanted to clean my teeth! The 2004 Mel Gibson film, The Passion of The Christ – in some odd way – is […]

Deconstructing your deconstructionism.

Since the mid 1990s anything ‘deconstructed’ was suddenly very cool and everything from deconstructed Aristotelian ethics to a deconstructed sandwich (which is effectively two slices of bread on a plate next to some ham) was suddenly column inch worthy. Driven largely by postmodernism outside the church, deconstructionism inside was dressed up in ‘challenge everything’ and […]


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Youth Ministry MOT

An essential annual checkup on youth ministries

Get in touch for a one day strategic and objective checkup with an outside expert. This is a no pressure, non-judgemental game changer of a day. It contains specifically targeted brain storming sessions, spiritual health monitoring and personal support coaching.

An absolute must for both emerging and established ministries.

Youth Ministry First Aid

Is something not working? This provides a tailored session to help you identify the root of the obstacle, and how to pass it.

Plateaued growth? Hemorrhaging leaders? Glass ceiling? Can’t get young people to engage with Jesus?

Let’s have a look together at your context, your strategy, and your resources to get to the bottom of the issue – and move through it. Get in touch for a friendly chat about how we can help you move forward as a ministry.

Biblical Theology of Youth Work

Delving into the foundational roots of what we do, why we do it and how we can do it better!

Either run as a whole day, half day or evening, this session unpacks the Bible’s key passages in context to help us understand exactly what it is were doing. It will highlight essential theology for youth ministry, and it will open up some exegetical practice to hone our Bible reading techniques.

This is a deep day for those who want some meat to study – but also has a highly practical element to it that will help you with writing your own Bible Study material.

Understanding Youth Culture

Understanding the emerging culture of teenagers in the West and applying communication methods that work.

This is an absolute must for new projects – getting to grips with the specific traits and nuances of this generation. We will draw out specifics, make contrasts, and look at how the online world has informed community among young people.

This session will cover the generational contexts from the last 60 years and how that affects cross-generational teaching/learning styles. Can be done as an evening, whole or half day.