Entries by admin

A basic glossary of ‘integrated worship’ terms.

In the last few years, ‘mixed’ or ‘integrated’ worship has become more of a priority topic across the church. There is, however, a general lack of clarity around the key terms. To some degree that’s okay! It is an emerging dialogue after all, and that needs some fluidity. At another level, however, using the same […]

Six observations about ‘professional’ youth ministry

1. Professional doesn’t necessarily mean professional Professional usually means a trained and experienced person who operates in an employed, full-time position, in order to pursue and develop a set standards and values. It usually comes with expectations, goals, resources, and an accountability structure. There are very few, broadly agreed upon, standards and values for Christian […]

Church planting vs. Church pruning

There are, I think, two fundamental ways to grow something larger; you plant, or you prune. You separate and divide, like cells; or you cut away pathways that are stopping fresh growth. Basic nurturing ingredients towards growth (water, sunlight, nutrients) are not growth strategies. They’re essential care ingredients. Regardless of your desire for the size […]

Youth work skills competency check-up

As part of my coaching, I routinely (about twice a year) ask my coach-ees to fill in a ‘skills competency check-up form.’ This focuses on a wide range of skills in different youth work, leadership, and management areas. It’s not, by any means, an exhaustive list, and not all these skills would apply to all […]

Mental health is about people, not just concepts.

**This post has been sat in my drafts for a while now. I’ve been back and forth on whether or not to post it. It was supposed to be published the day after World Mental Health Day back in early October. Now it’s Mental Health Month, so I’m revisiting it. It’s been written and rewritten […]

Which Bible should I buy for teenagers? …Another approach.

People are often asking for recommendations for what kind of Bible they should get for their teenagers. Should they go for the NIV knowing it’s probably the one they’ll likely hear in evangelical churches? Should you try something a bit more word-based like the NRSV or the ESV? Maybe they should go for readability, and […]

7 ways to develop a healthy team culture

[First published on the IVP blog, 2019]. One of the most memorable fairy tales from my childhood was ‘the princess and the pea’. The way I remember the story, an overly-entitled bratty millennial princess couldn’t get comfy enough to fall asleep, and so her wealthy, avocado-farming parents called upon every dashing bloke in her kingdom […]

Jesus isn’t the problem – you are!

Ouch, right? I felt it too. But I’m supposed to, because I’m also the problem. I’ve been a youth worker for over fifteen years, and for more than a decade of that I’ve been a full-time youth evangelist working with unchurched young people. In all my time I’ve never – not once – met a […]

We need to dial down our altar call language.

I’ve been to more Christian youth events and festivals than you could swing a weasel at, and invariably there is always some form of “altar call.” Whatever you (or I for that matter) might think about an altar call-type response for decision moments, I’m always troubled (translation: ticked, irked, vexed, miffed) by the language we […]

Does youth ministry need a lighter touch?

As youth workers, we are people of action. We love big verbs, inspirational adjectives, and far-reaching slogans. We want young people who are on totally fire for God; we want to reach the ninety-nine, and we want to change the world more than we change our pants… and then we want to change it again. […]