How do we respond to CORVID-19 as youth workers?

Let’s start with the obvious: we respond with love, grace, compassion, selflessness, and hope in Jesus Christ. On Sunday I was invited to preach in a local church where I talked about the opportunities we have to shine as Christians in the middle of dark and scary times – and how having a God-perspective on these times lifts our eyes to see a bigger picture. You can get the recording here.

Closer to home, we made the decision today to cancel our meetings. Our team will work from home, and our projects will be suspended until further notice. This was absolutely the right decision in order to protect the vulnerable that we all know. However, before we move on too quickly, lets just acknowledge that this really sucks. I am really really going to miss seeing our young people, and connecting with them over the message of Jesus. I’m going to miss their sense of humour and fun – and the light they bring each week. It’s rubbish for us, for them, and for their parents not to run. It’s still the right thing to do.

Before we go any further lets remember to take responsibility as leaders in our community. Parents and young people are looking up to us for guidance. Let’s take that seriously, and lead with love and clairity. Motivation is not enough, we want to be clear guiding examples. Let’s not pose as experts, or take overly sketchy political lines. We need to lead with love and grace and set a godly, humble, clear, and assuring example.

With that in mind – and after canceling our usual projects, what are we doing. Here’s 6 things:

1. Streaming

We are going to stream messages, fun clips, and challenges through YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. These will be simple and straightforward, short and sweet, and aimed at staying connected.

Practically speaking this will begin by using two devices. A phone for Instagram, and a laptop for YouTube (which will be linked to Facebook). Both will be sat next too each other (the phone on a stand), recording the same thing at the same time.

2. Video Conferencing

We are going to have a weekly discussion / Bible Study using video conferencing software for those young people who want to go deeper. We’re going to think of some innovative games and challenges too.

We’re still deciding between Google Hangouts and Zoom, although leaning towards Zoom because we can use breakout groups, and you don’t have to have a specific account. Nick Farr has provided a great tutorial for how to set this up here.

There are some safeguarding concerns, but after talking to the amazing thirtyone:eight this morning, they have sportingly put a document of advice together which I’ll upload a bit later today and link here.

3. Family packages

This is one I’m really excited about! We’re going to come up with loads of ideas to share with families so they can get the ‘most’ out of their extra time together.

This will include games, ice-breakers, activities, challenges and thoughts. We will do this in pdf form with maybe some prerecorded videos and send them out through email and social media.

4. Mobilising the healthy!

We’re going to help young people identify those in need, put together care packages, and (safely) delivery those to local people. We will also encourage families to connect (again, carefully) with their vulnerable neighbours and do some good Samaritan deeds for them as a family. Neat eh?

5. Informing young people

We are aware how much fear and misinformation is about. So we have come up with a short FAQ for young people – answering their questions such as, what does Coronavirus feel like? And am I at risk? I’ll upload this here for free once we’re happy with it.

It’s super important that we both inform and assure young people – who are going to be both nervous and bored for a while.

More to come!

We’ve got lots of ideas and you probably do to. This is a serious time, and we want to lovingly help people generally, and serve young people particularly. We’ll add more ideas as they come – but please comment, or send us yours.

This is an opportunity to innovate and there is a real necessity for us to lead. So lets do both!

All the best!


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