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    Exploring youth work theory and philosophy



A collection of interviews, ideas, theories, notes, and resources written by youth workers, for youth workers.

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Training available every month live online, in person in North Wales, and delivered by request around the UK.

Recent posts

11 Essential Youth Ministry Books

So I love books. Love em! I like to hold them, smell them, lick them. I love how they look on my shelves. I even like reading them occasionally. Speaking of my epic-book-shelf-of-awesomeness, I have exactly 113 youth and children’s work books. Which is a nice ego stroking humble brag to add in. I’ve even […]

Youth Ministry training and the battle for professionalism. Is it worth it?

In the red corner, weighing in at -£30,000 (debt that is); a youth ministry professional with certificates, training and qualifications. They boast a long list of module credentials, and a mental catalogue of praxis, quotes and bibliographic data. I give you… the qualified youth worker. In the blue corner, weighing in at 12 years; a […]

Is critical thinking the same as overthinking? Some self-indulgent epistemological musings.

Sometimes critical thinking is ignored, shunned, mocked, or worse, flat out rejected as overthinking. However, in a world of fake news, tabloid drama, and social media reporting – critical thinking just couldn’t be more important. Dismissing genuine critical engagement with ideas as overthinking is more than biting the hand that feeds, it’s covering it in […]

The best arguments against reading Harry Potter, with some critical responses – a faux debate.

During my first degree over a decade ago, I wrote a paper for a Youth Ministry module basically discussing whether or not a Christian should read Harry Potter. It didn’t score massively highly (mostly due to my poor proofreading skills!), but it was still an eye-opening experience. I believed then that the debate was mostly […]

What to do in the first three months of a new youth work job

This won’t be a popular answer, but you should do nothing. Well, almost nothing. I was recently at a conference where I overheard a new youth worker tell another youth worker that she was struggling in her brand-new position. The second youth worker’s advice was ‘change as much as you can as quickly as you […]


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Youth Ministry MOT

An essential annual checkup on youth ministries

Get in touch for a one day strategic and objective checkup with an outside expert. This is a no pressure, non-judgemental game changer of a day. It contains specifically targeted brain storming sessions, spiritual health monitoring and personal support coaching.

An absolute must for both emerging and established ministries.

Youth Ministry First Aid

Is something not working? This provides a tailored session to help you identify the root of the obstacle, and how to pass it.

Plateaued growth? Hemorrhaging leaders? Glass ceiling? Can’t get young people to engage with Jesus?

Let’s have a look together at your context, your strategy, and your resources to get to the bottom of the issue – and move through it. Get in touch for a friendly chat about how we can help you move forward as a ministry.

Biblical Theology of Youth Work

Delving into the foundational roots of what we do, why we do it and how we can do it better!

Either run as a whole day, half day or evening, this session unpacks the Bible’s key passages in context to help us understand exactly what it is were doing. It will highlight essential theology for youth ministry, and it will open up some exegetical practice to hone our Bible reading techniques.

This is a deep day for those who want some meat to study – but also has a highly practical element to it that will help you with writing your own Bible Study material.

Understanding Youth Culture

Understanding the emerging culture of teenagers in the West and applying communication methods that work.

This is an absolute must for new projects – getting to grips with the specific traits and nuances of this generation. We will draw out specifics, make contrasts, and look at how the online world has informed community among young people.

This session will cover the generational contexts from the last 60 years and how that affects cross-generational teaching/learning styles. Can be done as an evening, whole or half day.