A few words about Tim

Editor. As the curator and editor of Youth Work Hacks – I’m really excited to see how this project has developed!

Outside the digital world I’m a Charity Director, running a fabulous Youth For Christ Centre and I’m a PhD Student in Biblical Studies.

Currently living with my Californian wife in the beautiful surrounds of North Wales, I can often be found in sea front coffeeshops with my faithful MacBook, hammering away at one of my many ongoing projects.

I have a First Class MA in Mission from Cliff College, a BA(Hons) in Theology from Oak Hill, and I’ve done a bit of postgrad study in Philosophy with Oxford. I’m deathly afraid of spiders, adore hammocks and can cook a perfect steak!

A member of

and more about Youth Work Hacks

Youth Work Hacks is here to be a genuine support for Youth Workers who want to go whole hog! It’s here to be practical, professional and provoking. Youth Work Hacks has a firm commitment to solid Bible-driven theology and a real passion for working relevantly within emerging culture.

Youth Work Hacks is a collection of posts and resources written by Youth Work Practitioners for other Youth Work Practitioners.

Youth Work Hacks runs regular training, webinars and online coaching – so stay tuned in and if you have a specific need get in touch!

Books and publications

The team…


Copyeditor. Freelance writer, published poet and independent philosopher. Katie has been involved in Youth Work – across three countries – for nearly a decade. She has a flare for language and a gift for detail. Very little makes it onto Youth Work Hacks without her careful eye looking it over first!

She is married to Tim, loves all kinds of multi media art and design and originally hails from California. Check out her blog at kategough.com


In House Comic. Chloe is an experienced volunteer Youth Worker, Musical Theatre Tutor, Youth Charity Trustee and avid comic.

Chloe brings an element of gentle sarcasm and irreverent poking to Youth Work Hacks. Check out her original work at ChloesComics.wordpress.com

Recent Contributors

Jon Coombs
Kirsten Witchalls
Revd. Dr. Sally Nash
Ali Campbell
Megan Dyer
Alia Pike
Dr. Andrew Root
Gareth Crispin
Cassandra Smith
Grace Wheeler
Liz Edge
Alan Witchalls
Jonny Price
Rob Trenkman
Todd Warden-Owen
Ryan Rudolph
Bex Baillie
Dave Fagg
Bx Belshaw
Ben Slee